定 價:42 元
- 作者:白遠
- 出版時間:2019/3/1
- ISBN:9787300264882
- 出 版 社:中國人民大學出版社
- 中圖法分類:F740.41
- 頁碼:244
- 紙張:
- 版次:5
- 開本:
Chapter 1 Negotiation Motives and Key Terminology(談判動機與關鍵概念) (1)
Negotiations(談判) (3)
Conflicts(沖突) (3)
Stakes(利益得失) (5)
Case StudyⅠ:China-US Trade War—US Negotiation Framework(案例研究Ⅰ:2018中美貿(mào)易戰(zhàn)之美方談判條件) (8)
Case StudyⅡ:Chrysler Missed the Best Opportunity Entering China Automobile Market(案例研究Ⅱ:克萊斯勒公司錯失進入中國汽車市場良機)(11)
Chapter 2 Negotiation Procedure and Structure (談判程序與結(jié)構(gòu)) (13)
Negotiation Procedure(談判程序) (13)
General Structure of Negotiations(談判的一般結(jié)構(gòu)) (16)
Structure of Business Negotiations(貿(mào)易談判結(jié)構(gòu)) (19)
Simulation:An Economic Recession ( 模擬談判:一次經(jīng)濟衰退)(21)
Case StudyⅠ:The Principle of Complementary Concession(案例研究Ⅰ:對等性讓步原則)(22)
Case StudyⅡ:Sino-US Negotiations on Intellectual Property Right Protection(案例研究Ⅱ:中美知識產(chǎn)權(quán)談判)(22)
Chapter 3 Negotiation Lubrication (談判潤滑劑) (32)
Target Decision(設定談判目標) (32)
Collecting Information(信息調(diào)研) (36)
Staffing Negotiation Teams(配備談判組成員) (40)
Choice of Negotiation Venues(確定談判地點) (42)
Simulation:Silk Selling( 模擬談判:絲綢銷售)(45)
Case Study:Cases Showing Importance of Pre-negotiation Preparation(案例研究:談判前準備工作的重要性)(46)
Chapter 4 Win-win Concept (雙贏原則) (48)
Traditional Concept(傳統(tǒng)理念) (48)
Introduction of Win-win Concept—a Revolution in Negotiation Field (雙贏理念的引入———談判界的一場革命) (49)
How Can Both Sides Win(怎樣實現(xiàn)雙贏) (51)
Simulation:Financial Leasing Negotiation ( 模擬談判:融資租賃談判)(53)
Case Study:Argument between Developing Countries and Developed Countries(案例研究:發(fā)展中國家與發(fā)達國家的爭論)(54)
Chapter 5 Collaborative Principled Negotiation (合作原則談判法) (57)
Collaborative Principled Negotiation and Its Four Components (合作原則談判法及其四個組成部分)(57) Separate the People from the Problem(對事不對人) (58)
Focus on Interests But Not Positions(著眼于利益而非立場) (61)
Invent Options for Mutual Gain(創(chuàng)造雙贏方案) (63)
Introduce Objective Criteria(引入客觀評判標準) (66)
Simulation:Hotel Selling( 模擬談判:旅館銷售)(68)
Case Study:Company Policy (案例研究:公司政策)(70)
Chapter 6 Law of Interest Distribution (利益分配法則) (72)
Needs Theory(需求理論) (72)
Application of the Needs Theory in Negotiation (需求理論在談判中的應用) (75)
Three Levels of Interests at the Domestic Level (國內(nèi)談判的三層利益) (76)
Law of Two-level Games(雙層博弈規(guī)則) (78)
Simulation:A Dam on the River( 模擬談判:河上建壩糾紛)(81)
Case Study:US-Japan Negotiations on Semiconductors(案例研究:美日半導體談判)(82)
Chapter 7 Negotiating Power and Related Factors (談判力與相關因素) (89)
Negotiating Power and Sources of Negotiating Power (談判力及其來源) (89)
Factors Causing the Changes of Negotiating Power (談判力的影響因素) (93)
Application of Power Tactics(談判力策略的應用) (96)
Estimating Negotiating Power(談判力的測量) (96)
Simulation:Negotiation on Oil Contract(模擬談判:石油合同談判)(98)
Case Study:Negotiation on the Share of the Equity Adjustment between FAW and Volkswagen(案例研究:中國一汽集團與德國大眾股權(quán)變更談判)(102)
Chapter 8 Law of Trust (信任法則) (105)
Trust and Its Interpretation (信任及其解釋) (105)
Determinants Affecting the Trust Level (決定信任水平的因素) (106)
Determinants Affecting a Persons Trustful or Mistrustful Behavior (決定信任行為傾向的因素) (107)
Effects of Trust(信任的效應) (109)
Suggestions of Enhancing Mutual Trust (如何增進相互信任) (111)
Simulation:Negotiation on Terms of Payment(模擬談判:支付問題的談判)(112)
Case Study:Dilemma of the Management(案例研究:經(jīng)理層的尷尬)(113)
Chapter 9 Personal Styles vs.Negotiation Modes(談判者性格類型與談判模式) (117)
NegotiatorsPersonal Styles(談判者的性格類型) (117)
NegotiatorsPersonal Styles and AC Model (個人性格類型與AC模型) (119)
Personal Styles vs.Negotiation Modes (性格類型與談判模式) (120)
Application of Personality Tests (性格測試在談判中的應用) (122)
Simulation:Global Corporation vs.Hi-tech Corporation ( 模擬談判:全球公司與高科技公司)(128)
Case Study:Shopping in Manhattan(案例研究:在紐約曼哈頓購物)(132)
Chapter 10 Game Theory and Negotiation Application(博弈論及其在談判中的應用) (135)
Game Theory,Its Assumptions and Rules (博弈論及其基本假設和規(guī)則) (135)
Consequences and the Matrix Display (結(jié)果與矩陣排列) (136)
The Prisoner’s Dilemma(囚徒困境博弈) (139)
Direct Determinants of the Coordination Goal (合作目標的直接決定因素) (143)
Simulation:China and Japan in Iron Ore Negotiation ( 模擬談判:中國與日本鐵礦石談判中的博弈)(147)
Case Study:Making a Decision under Uncertainty(案例研究:不確定條件下的決策)(148)
Chapter 11 Distributive Negotiations vs.Integrative Negotiations(兩分法談判與綜合型談判) (150) Distributive Negotiations(兩分法談判) (150)
Price Negotiation and Negotiation Zone (價格談判與談判區(qū)間) (152)
Integrative Negotiations(綜合型談判) (158)
Simulation:Sale for a Second-hand Car(模擬談判:二手車銷售)(162)
Case StudyⅠ:An Example of the Use of Cost Analysis(案例研究Ⅰ:一個運用成本分析法的例子)(164) Case StudyⅡ:Sarah Meets Walmart(案例研究Ⅱ:莎拉遇見沃爾瑪)(164)
Chapter 12 Complex Negotiations (復雜談判) (167)
Complex Negotiations and Their Properties (復雜談判及其特點) (167)
Involvement of Third Parties(第三方的參與) (168)
Coalition and Multi-party Negotiation (多方參與的談判與談判聯(lián)合體) (173)
Simulation:Green Bank (模擬談判:格林銀行)(177)
Case Study:Iacocca Rescuing Chrysler(案例研究:艾柯卡拯救克萊斯勒公司)(179)
Chapter 13 Culture Patterns vs.Negotiation Patterns(文化模式與談判模式) (182)
Definition of Culture(文化的定義) (182)
Culture Patterns(文化模式) (184)
Hofstede Cultural Value Study(霍夫斯泰德的文化價值研究) (193)
Simulation:Cultural Conflicts in the Negotiation of the World Bank Rural Water Supply Project(模擬談判:世界銀行改水項目談判中的文化沖突)(200)
Case StudyⅠ:Southern CandlesTour to France(案例研究Ⅰ:南部蠟燭公司的法國之行)(201)
Case StudyⅡ:How Giving Face Can Brew Success (案例研究Ⅱ:“給面子”如何“醞釀”談判的成功)(203)
Chapter 14 Negotiation Risks and Management(談判風險與管理) (209)
Identification of the Sources of Risks(識別風險來源) (209)
External Risks(外部風險) (210)
Internal Risks(內(nèi)部風險) (214)
Managing Risks(風險管理) (219)
Simulation:A Negotiation of Information Asymmetry(模擬談判:一場彼此信息不對稱的談判)(222)
Case Study:Enrons Indian Negotiation Debacle(案例研究:安然公司在印度的失敗談判)(223)