《句法文體視角下的伍爾夫意識流小 說漢譯研究》從跨學科的視角,運用翻譯學、語言學 、文體學等理論對伍爾夫意識流文學作品 Mrs.Dalloway(《達羅維夫人》)和To the Light-house(《到燈塔去》)的漢譯問題進行了較 為全面的分析,從句子的角度對伍爾夫這兩部重要的 意識流小說的幾個漢譯本中的文體失落和變形問題及 其背后的潛在原因進行了較為系統(tǒng)和客觀的考察。
本書可供高等院校或科研院所從事翻譯學、文學 、比較文學研究和學習的科研人員、教師、學生及對 該領域感興趣的其他讀者參考使用。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Why the Perspective of Syntax
1.3 Research Focus and Research Questions
1.4 Whv the Choice of MD and TL as Case Studies
1.5 Research Methodology and Theoretical Framework
1.6 Contents of the Book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 A General Survey on the Topic of Translating Virginia Woolf
2.2 A Brief Review of the Concept of Norms from Descriptive Translation Studies
2.3 A Brief Introduction of Functional Stylistics
Chapter 3 Wooif's Major Poetic Syntactic Structures and What Happens to them in the Chinese Versions
3.1 Woolf's Maior Poetic Syntactic Structures and Their Stylistic Effects
3.1.1 Structure of Abbreviation
3.1.2 Structure of Interruption
3.1.3 Structure of Inversion
3.1.4 Structure of Balance
3.1.5 Repetition Structure
3.1.6 Cataphoric Personal Reference
3.1.7 Deviating Adverb Cluster
3.1.8 For-Structure
3.2 Syntax and Stylistic Effects of Higher Textual Levels
3.2.1 Syntax and Focalizatioi
3.2.2 Syntax and Mode of Speech and Thought Presentation
3.2.3 Syntax and Narrative Voice
3.2.4 Syntax and Rhythm
3.2.5 Syntax and Ekphrasis
3.3 What HaPpens to Woolf's Poetic Sefitences and Related Stylistic Effects in the Chinese Versions
3.3.1 Fragmentary Sentences Being Rendered Fluently
3.3.2 Inversion Structure Being Normalized
3.3.3 Deformation of Sentence Structure Resulted from Alteration of Punctuation
3.3.4 Abbreviated Structure Being Supplemented
3.3.5 Balance Structure Being Destroyed
3.3.6 Repetitions Being Cut or Omitted
3.3.7 Improper Rendering of Adverb Cluster
3.3.8 Disruption of Cataphoric Personal Reference
3.3.9 Improper Treatment of For—structure
3.4 Damage to Stylistic Effects of Higher Textual Levels
3.4.1 Destruction of Rhythmical Effect
3.4.2 Distortion of Focalization
3.4.3 Distortion of Narrative Voice
3.4.4 Alteration of Mode of Speech and Thought Presentation
3.4.5 Destruction of Ekphrastic Effect
3.4.6 Summary
Chapter 4 Behind Loss and Distortion:Potential Factors Responsible for the Problems
4.1 A Translation Experiment
4.2 Impact from Literary Tradition in the Target Culture
4.3 Influence of Ideological Norms in the Target Culture
4.4 Constraints of Target Language Norms
4.5 Interference from the Punctuation Convention in the Target Language
4.6 Negative Effect of Translational Norms
4.7 Translators'Lack of Stylistic Awareness
4.8 Summary
Chapter 5 Towards Better Rendition of Fictional Style:Present Research's Implications for Literary Translator Training
5.1 The Siunificance of the Theory of Norms for Translators
5.1.1 Essential Change and Development of Chinese Syntax under the Influence of Translation
5.1.2 Evolution of Chinese Punctuation under the Influence of Translation
5.1.3 The Change of Narrative Patterns of Chinese Fiction under the Influence of Translation
5.1.4 Variation of Translation Criteria in China
5.2 The Significance of Stylistics for Literary Translation
5.3 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings
6.2 Contributions
6.3 Limitations and Future Research
6.3.1 Limitations
6.3.2 Future Research
Appendix I Materials to be translated by the subjects
Appendix II Translations by the Subjects