本書具備以下特點: 1.權威性和前沿性:使你能夠在實踐中應用**的循證醫(yī)學知識; 2.準確性:每一問都經過了急診專家們的精心挑選和審查; 3.獨立性:這些內容不受任何公司、藥商或第三方的影響。
危重病篇(Critical Care)
病例一: ST段抬高型心肌梗死伴糖尿病酮癥酸中毒和高鉀血癥(STEMI with DKA and hyperkalemia)(1)
病例二: 嚴重腦出血(Extensive intracerebral hemorrhage)(7)
病例三: 你見過這么大的氣道異物嗎?(Have you seen this size of foreign body in upper airway?)(9)
病例四: 高血壓危象,肺水腫和心房撲動2:1房室傳導(Hypertensive emergency with acute pulmonary edema and atrial flutter with 2:1 conduction)(11)
病例五: 乳突炎引起的硬腦膜下膿腫(Subdural empyema due to mastoiditis)(16)
心肺腦復蘇篇(Cardiopulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation)
病例六: 心臟驟停(Cardiac arrest)(18)
病例七: 海洛因中毒致心臟驟停(Cardiac arrest due to heroin overdose)(23)
心血管疾病篇(Cardiovascular Emergencies)
病例八: 早期ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者的動態(tài)ECG(Dynamic ECG evolution from STEMI) (25)
病例九: 導管介入治療中心的ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者的急診處理(STEMI management in a PCI center)(28)
病例十: 非導管介入治療中心的ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者的急診處理(STEMI management in a nonPCI hospital)(31)
病例十一: 胸痛突然惡化(Sudden worsening of chest pain)(34)
病例十二: 典型心絞痛癥狀和病史,但是ECG……(Typical angina and history, but ECG...) (37)
病例十三: 無痛性心肌梗死(Painless myocardial infarction)(39)
病例十四: STEMI,但近期心臟核素負荷試驗陰性(STEMI with recent negative stress test) (41)
病例十五: 快速心房顫動的急診流程(Emergency management of atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response)(43)
病例十六: 預激性快速心房顫動的處理(Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response in a patient with WPW)(47)
病例十七: 心源性暈厥:AVB伴室性停搏25秒(Cardiac syncope:AVB with asystole for 25 seconds)(50)
病例十八: 不穩(wěn)定三度房室傳導阻滯(Unstable third degree AVB)(52)
病例十九: 嚴重一度房室傳導阻滯的處理(Management of Severe first degree AVB) (56)
病例二十: 升主動脈動脈瘤(Ascending aortic aneurysm)(58)
病例二十一: 腹主動脈動脈瘤(Abdominal arterial aneurysm, AAA)(60)
病例二十二: 腹主動脈瘤破裂(Abdominal arterial aneurysm rupture)62)
病例二十三: 主動脈夾層動脈瘤(Aortic dissection aneurysm)(64)
病例二十四: 急性壞死性膽囊炎伴AAA(AAA in a patient with acute necrotizing cholelicystitis)(66)
病例二十五: 心包積液(Pericardial effusion)(69)
病例二十六: 呼吸道感染后心包積液(Pericardial effusion following upper respiratory infection)(71)
病例二十七: 急性左下肢動脈栓塞伴肺炎及肺動脈栓塞(Acute arterial ischemia with pneumonia and pulmonary embolism)(75)
病例二十八: 下腔靜脈及雙下肢靜脈血栓形成的新療法(Inferior vein and limb deep vein thrombosis)(79)
病例二十九: 血壓為什么測不出來?(Why is blood pressure not measurable?)(84)
病例三十: 單極植入式心電圖記錄儀(Implantable loop recorder)(87)
呼吸系統(tǒng)疾病篇(Respiratory Emergencies)