本書特色:1. 收錄常用中英成語800對;2. 列明同義與反義成語,方便交互參照;3. 英語例句可供了解如何正確使用英語成語;4. 100幅成語插畫,讓大家更形象地理解成語;5. 20則英語成語故事,呈現成語相關的有趣故事和由來;6. 本書可讀可查,適合于學生、教師、語言工作者以及英語學習愛好者。
目錄Contents前言出版說明一 畫一寸光陰一寸金 Time is money. 成 語 故 事:Time is money一馬當先 To be in the van (lead).一不做,二不休 What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.一日三秋 It seems ages. 一見鐘情 Love at first sight.一毛不拔 Not to part with the parings of one’s nails. 一氣呵成 At a breath (stretch). 一去不復返 Gone with the wind.一本萬利 Light gains make heavy purses.一本正經 Look as if butter wouldn’t melt in one’s mouth.一失足成千古恨 One wrong step may bring a great fall.一發(fā)千鈞 Hang by a thread.一成不變 Hard and fast.一帆風順 It’s all plain sailing.一年之計在于春 April and May are the key of the year.一針見血 Put one’s finger on一言既出,駟馬難追 A word spoken is past recalling. 一事無成 Not a thing accomplished. 一鳴驚人 Come as a bombshell.一敗涂地 Down to the ground. 一知半解 Have only a smattering of一往無前 To go ahead with nothing in front.一貧如洗 As poor as a church mouse. 一刻千金 Every minute counts. 一波未平,一波又起 Wave after wave. 一視同仁 When it rains it rains on all alike. 一面之交 A bowing acquaintance.一舉成名 Make a name for oneself.一舉兩得 Kill two flies with one slap.一筆勾銷 All annulled. 一竅不通 All Greek to one.一諾千金 A promise worth a thousand in gold. 一落千丈 To go to pot. 一塌糊涂 A pretty kettle of fish. 一籌莫展 To be at one’s wit’s end.一意孤行 Take the law into one’s hand. 一箭雙雕 Kill two birds with one stone (shaft).一曝十寒 By fits and snatches (starts).一蹴而就 At one stroke.二 畫十萬火急 In hot haste. 十年樹木,百年樹人 A skill is not acquired in a matter of days.十拿九穩(wěn) Ten to one.人山人海 A sea of faces.人云亦云 Echo one’s every word.人不可貌相 Beauty is but skin-deep.人言可畏 Opinion rules the world.人非圣賢,孰能無過 No one is without his faults.人定勝天 Everyone is the maker of his own fate.人浮于事 Too many cooks spoil the broth.入鄉(xiāng)隨俗 Do in Rome as the Romans do.入木三分 Give a vivid picture of... 九牛二虎之力Strain every nerve.力不從心 The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.力不勝任 Beyond one.了如指掌 As plain as a pikestaff.……十五 畫橫沖直撞 Run amuck.敷衍塞責 Huddle over one’s duty.暴跳如雷 Fly into a passion.墨守成規(guī) To move in a rut.熟能生巧 Experience counts.摩拳擦掌 Poised to fight.鶴立雞群 A Triton among the minnows.戮力同心 To hang together.十六 畫操之過急 Jump the gun.操縱自如 Like wax in one’s hands.顛沛流離 Live a vagabond life.顛倒是非 Stand truth on its head.融會貫通 Have at one’s fingertips.瞠目結舌 Struck dumb.默默無聞 To be nobody.燃眉之急 No time to be lost.避重就輕 To ride off on a side issue.十七 畫螳臂擋車 Kick against the pricks.鷸蚌相持,漁人得利 Two dogs fight for a bone, and a third runs away with it.十八 畫鞭長莫及 Beyond one’s grasp.覆水難收 It is no use crying over spilt milk.瞻前顧后 Take a look around.二十 畫耀武揚威 Bluff and bluster.