L-functions and Functoriality James W. Cogdell Ⅰ L-functions for GL(n) and Converse Theorems 1 Modular Forms and Automorphic Representations 2 L-functions and Functoriality James W. Cogdell Ⅰ L-functions for GL(n) and Converse Theorems 1 Modular Forms and Automorphic Representations 2 L-functions for G/i and Converse Theorems Ⅱ L-functions via Eisenstein Series 3 The Origins: Langlands 4 The Method: Langlands-Shahidi 5 The Results: Shahidi Ⅲ Functoriality 6 Langlands Conjectures and Functoriality 7 The Converse Theorem and Functoriality 8 Symmetric Powers and Applications ReferencesTwisted Hilbert Modular L-functions and Spectral Theory Gergely Harcos 1 Lecture One: Some Quadratic Forms 2 Lecture Two: More Quadratic Forms 3 Lecture Three: Preliminaries from Number Theory 4 Lecture Four: Subconvexity of Twisted /-functions Acknowledgments ReferencesThe Voronoi Formula for the rlyiple Divisor Function Xiaoqin.g Li 1 Introduction 2 Proof of the Main Theorem Acknowledgments ReferencesLinnik's Ergodic Method and the Hasse Principle for Ternary Quadratic Forms Philippe Michel 1 Foreword 2 Integral Quadratic Forms 3 TheHassePrinciple 4 Quadratic Forms over Lattices 5 Equidistribution on Adelic Quotient 6 Properties of the Adeles 7 The Hasse Integral Principle and Equidistribution of Adelic Orbits 8 The Ergodic Method ReferencesAutomorphic Periods and Representation Theory Andre Reznikov 1 Automorphic Representations and Frobenius Reciprocity 2 Bounds on Periods and Representation Theory Acknowledgments ReferencesEisenstein Series, L-functions and Representation Theory Freydoon Shahidi 1 Preliminaries 2 L-Groups, L-Functions and Generic Representations 3 Eisenstein Series and Intertwining Operators; The Constant Term 4 Constant Term and Automorphic /-Functions 5 Examples 6 Local Coefficients, Nonconstant Term and the Crude Functional Equation 7 The Main Induction, Functional Equations and Multiplicativity 8 Twists by Highly Ramified Characters, Holomorphy and Boundedness 9 Examples of Functoriality with Applications 10 Applications to Representation Theory ReferencesLecture Notes on Some Analytic Properties of Automorphic L-functions for SL2 (Z) Yangbo Ye 1 Introduction 2 An Integral Representation and Functional Equation 3 A Converse Theorem 4 The Phragmen-Lindelof Principle and Convexity 5 The Rankin-Selberg Theory References