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當(dāng)前圖書(shū)已被 7 所學(xué)校薦購(gòu)過(guò)!
- 作者:趙仲杰
- 出版時(shí)間:2023/7/1
- ISBN:9787300319087
- 出 版 社:中國(guó)人民大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:C916
- 頁(yè)碼:268
- 紙張:
- 版次:1
- 開(kāi)本:16
Chapter1 General Introduction to Social Work
Ⅰ. The Definition of Social Work
Ⅱ. Functions of Social Work
Ⅲ. The Main Services in the Field of Social Work
Ⅳ. Roles of Social Workers
Ⅴ. Key Characteristics Needed for a Qualified Social Worker
Ⅵ. Ten Core Competencies of Social Workers
Ⅶ. Problems and Perspectives in Social Work Development
Chapter2 Social Work Theories
Ⅰ. The Definition of Theory
Ⅱ. The Usefulness of Social Work Theories to Practitioners
Ⅲ. Major Social Work Theories
Chapter3 Code of Ethics for Social Workers
Ⅰ. Basic Ideas of Social Work
Ⅱ. Core Values and Ethical Principle of Social Work
Ⅲ. Ethical Standards
Chapter4 Social Casework
Ⅰ. The Nature of Individual
Ⅱ. Problems Faced by Individual and Families
Ⅲ. Concept of Social Casework
Ⅳ. Basic Assumptions of Social Casework
Ⅴ. Value of Social Casework within the Sphere of Social Work
Ⅵ. Principles of Social Casework
Ⅶ. Theories of Social Casework
Ⅷ. Practice of Social Casework
Ⅸ. Phases in the Social Casework Process
Ⅹ. Case Example
Chapter5 Social Group Work
Ⅰ. Group Process
Ⅱ. Different Kinds of Group and Group Work
Ⅲ. Group Purpose,F(xiàn)unction and Outcomes
Ⅳ. Life Course of a Planned Group
Ⅴ. Life Course of Ongoing and Naturally Occurring Groups
Ⅵ. Group Work Now
Chapter6 Community Social Work
Ⅰ. What Is Community?
Ⅱ. Community Organization and Community Development
Ⅲ. Three Modes of Community Social Work
Ⅳ. Fundamental Principles in Community Social Work
Ⅴ. Community Social Work Processes
Chapter7 Child Welfare Social Work
Ⅰ. The Definition of Child Welfare Social Work
Ⅱ. Types of Child Welfare Social Workers
Ⅲ. What Child Welfare Social Workers Do
Ⅳ. The Challenges of Child Welfare Social Work
Ⅴ. Why People Become Child Welfare Social Workers
Chapter8 Social Work for the Aged
Ⅰ. What Is Aging
Ⅱ. The Theories of Social Work for the Aged
Ⅲ. The Objectives and Principles of Social Work for the Aged
Ⅳ. Conclusion
Chapter9 Correctional Service
Ⅰ. The Social Problems of Delinquency and Crime
Ⅱ. Social Work and Corrections
Ⅲ. Case Examples
Chapter10 Social Work with Addiction
Ⅰ. What Is Addiction Treatment
Ⅱ. History of Social Work in Addictions
Ⅲ. The Role of Social Work in Addiction Treatment
Ⅳ. Many Problems Called Addiction
Ⅴ. The Requirements of Social Work in Addiction
Ⅵ. Opportunities for Social Work Leadership in Addiction Treatment
Chapter11 Family Social Work
Ⅰ. Introduction to Family Social Work
Ⅱ. Family Social Workers and Domestic Violence
Ⅲ. Family Social Work with Disadvantaged Families
Ⅳ. Case Example
Chapter12 Resilience and Social Work Practice
Ⅰ. Resilience for Social Workers
Ⅱ. Negative Consequences and Coping Strategies
Ⅲ. Creating a Culture of Resilience in Social Work Context
Ⅳ. Case Example