定 價:46 元
- 作者:(德),豪格 ,(E.Haug),(德),納克爾 ,(W.Nakel) 著
- 出版時間:2012/12/1
- ISBN:9787301219379
- 出 版 社:北京大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:O571.43
- 頁碼:259
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
Chapter l. Introduction
1.1 Chapter introduction
1.2 Sliort historicalnote
1.3 Nottions and definitions
Chapter 2. Classical and semiclassical considerations on thebremsstrahlung process
2.1 Electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung
2.1.2 Bremsstrahlunglinear polarization
2.1.3 Bremsstrahlungfromtransverselypolarizedelectrons
2.2 Electron-electron bremsstrahlung
2.3 Weizsacker-Williams method ofvirtualquanta
Chapter 3. Theory of the elementary process of electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung
3.2 Bremsstrahlung cross section
3.3 Born approximation (Bethe-Heitler formula)
3.3.2 Nuclear recoileffects
3.3.3 Effects ofnuclear structure
3.4 Approximations with the Sommerfeld-Maue wave function
3.4.1 Sommerfeld-Maue wave function
3.4.4 Nonrelativistic approximation
3.4.5 The short-wavelengthlimit
3.4.6 Approximation for the long-wavelengthlimit and for high
3.4.7 Cross section in second Born approximation
3.5 Calculation using relativistic partial-wave expansions
3.5.1 Partialwave expansion
3.5.2 Calculations with a relativistic self-consistent-field
3.5.3 Calculation for a pure Coulomb potential
3.6 Spin-dependent cross section and bremsstrahlung asymmetry
3.7 Bremsstrahlung polarization
3.7.1 Generalpolarization correlation
3.7.2 Linear polarization in Born approximation
3.7.3 Circular polarization from polarized electrons inBorn approximationf
3.8 Radiative corrections to bremsstrahlung
Chapter 4. Experiments on the elementary process ofelectron-nucleus bremsstrahlung
4.1 Survey ofexperimental devices
4.2 Electron-photon coincidence experiments without regard to
4.2.1 Angular distributions of photons for fixed directions ofoutgoing electrons
4.2.2 Angular distributions of electrons for fixed photon
4.2.3 Energy distributions for fixed electron and photon
4.2.4 Wide-angle bremsstrahlung experiments at very high
4.3 Electron-photon coincidence experiments including polarization
4.3.1 Linear polarization of bremsstrahlung emitted byunpolarized electrons
Chapter 5. Theory of the elementary process of electron-electron bremsstrahlung
Chapter 6. Experiments on the elementary process ofelectron-electron bremsstrahlung
Chapter 7. Integrated cross sections and furtherbremsstrahlung processes
Appendix A Problems
Appendix B quared matrix element of electron-electron