《博鰲記憶:親歷者眼中的博鰲亞洲論壇20年》BOAO MEMORY:WHAT I EXPERIENCED AT BOAO FORUM FOR ASIA精選參與論壇的海南省政府工作人員、學者、企業(yè)家、媒體記者的回憶文章,用一個個細節(jié)和故事匯聚成博鰲記憶,多角度展現(xiàn)海南集全省之力服務保障博鰲亞洲論壇的20年。
In February 2001, Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) was officially established, which embarked a new chapter for the dialogue and cooperation for Asian countries and people. In 20-years time, BFA has been the speaker of aspirations from countries in Asia in seeking dialogue and cooperation. It has also been the focus of the world every spring, and the world is looking forward to this annual event. With the assistance and support from Asian people, BFA has developed into a global forum with worldwide influence, with a solid foundation based in Asia and a forward-looking ambition to the whole world.
The BFA took the first step to make the voice of Asia heard by the whole world, which symbolizes a new dawn for cooperation and consensus among Asian countries. Following theAsian model and the historical trajectory of the awakening of Asian values, it eventually sounded the strongest voice of Asia in the beautiful Boao at the junction of the wide Pacific Ocean and the ancient Asian continent. Over the past two decades, more than 140 leaders from both China and across the world have given speeches in Boao, telling Asian stories of every Asian people. Looking into the history, we can find that the ancient Asian continent boasts unique cultural heritages. There are examples like the stone human sculpture from 4,000 BC in the Tabuk Region of Saudi Arabia, the Jade Cong in the Neolithic period from Liangzhu Culture of China, the 3000-year-old bronze drum from Laos and the bird-shaped pottery Rhyton from the 8th to 7th century BC in Armenia. Asian cultures have made their unique contributions to human
civilizations. Asia is one of the regions with the most vigorous economy across the world.Asian value andAsian model have received widespread attention. Since the new millennium, along with the development of BFA, Asian countries have moved to the focus in the global arena. The total economic volume of Asia accounts for 36% of the global total, rising from 27% previously. Among the Top 5 performers in terms of total GDP volume, three of them are based in Asia. All the achievements have made me deeply admired of the far-sighted founders of the BFA. Indeed, the 21st century is expected to be anAsian century under the spotlight, exactly as they predicted. From Asian integration to building an Asian community of shared future, further to building a community of shared future for mankind, from Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), from the 3rd BRICS Leaders Meeting, to the 1st Lancang- Mekong Cooperation Leaders Meeting, we have witnessed colorfulAsian stories written here, one after another. Therefore, the destiny among Asian countries has also been closely-connected.
Hainan, China, is selected as the venue for the BFA. History has made its own choice. It has selected the diligent and brave Chinese people, and more specifically, the inclusive, kind, enthusiastic and friendly Hainan people. The three foundersFidel Valdez Ramos, Bob Hawke, and Hosokawa Morihirofrankly expressed their opinions in Manila Initiative that China, as the one and only Asian permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, is very likely to become the largest economy in the world at the beginning of the 21st century. The BFAs development cannot be achieved without the support from China. Hainan grasped the opportunity of Chinas going global. Both Hainans founding and prosperity have come from the reform and opening-up. The BFA and Hainan are a perfect match. In the past 20 years, Hainan province has dedicated itself to the development of the BFA, and has prioritized the BFA-related tasks within the province. Every spring, the related departments initiate the whole province to safeguard a wonderful event with high-quality services, which deeply impressed guests due to their perfect experiences.
The story of the BFA also belongs to the people of every Asian country. When another spring is approaching, let us gather in Boao to listen to the new voices of the ancient Asian continent once again and lets come together to generate the majestic power that connects the world!
Chairman of the Board of Boao Forum for Asia,the 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations
Ban Ki-moon
紀念海南參與博鰲亞洲論壇成立20周年叢書編委會由海南省外事辦公室王勝主任、海南出版社社長王景霞擔任編委會主任, 海南省外事辦公室周平副主任、海南出版社總編輯譚麗琳擔任編委會副主任。海南省外事辦與海南出版社組織海南日報及相關專家學者進行具體的編撰工作,由海南省外事辦及博鰲亞洲論壇秘書處審讀把關定稿。
目 錄
特 別 紀 念 篇
難忘的博鰲夢想和博鰲精神 汪嘯風 /2
我與博鰲亞洲論壇15年的不解之緣 姜斯憲 /10
不斷擦亮中國對外開放的重要窗口 毛超峰 /20
我和博鰲 蔣曉松 /30
中改院與博鰲亞洲論壇的故事 遲福林 /38
經 濟 引 領 篇
博鰲辦會經驗帶動海南會展業(yè)發(fā)展 周平 陳方旭 劉青山 /50
探索會客新感覺 海南省外事辦公室博鰲亞洲論壇處 /62
當博鰲亞洲論壇第二樂章響起 代曉龍 /71
我的家鄉(xiāng)是個傳奇 盧業(yè)民 /82
基 礎 設 施 建 設 篇
我把青春留給了博鰲 倪強 /92
難忘的三百個晝夜,見證博鰲通道工程建設 資西陽 /101
以博鰲速度跑贏硬件建設接力賽 周德高 /111
服 務 投 入 篇
親歷博鰲亞洲論壇服務保障機制改革探索之路 王勝 /118
我與博鰲共成長 陳孝京 /134
筑牢安保銅墻鐵壁 保障論壇年會安全 毛流敏 /143
博鰲亞洲論壇年會服務保障工作的回憶 侯程愷 /153
醫(yī)療保障無小事 大局當前醫(yī)者心 呂納新 /160
細微之中傾真情 小鎮(zhèn)宴客顯溫情 劉靜文 /169
把好讓嘉賓微笑關 祝春枝 /178
我的博鰲15年 唐都 /184
人 才 成 長 篇
我的博鰲記憶 戴貞 /192
秉初心 擔使命 共前行
記海南外事人與博鰲亞洲論壇的20年 海南省外事辦公室 /204
年會志愿者經歷回顧 彭麗陽 /215
特 殊 見 證 篇
博鰲亞洲論壇采訪手札 吳小莉 /224
忠實記錄精彩博鰲 周曉夢 /231
繪出博鰲之夢 張夢 /239
讓激情在博鰲燃燒 陳超 /250
利 用 論 壇 篇
與中國東盟省市長對話共成長 韓晶磊 韓佳 張芝 /260
陳少強 張東東 李麗云 佘旭 蔡親宏 陳誠 /267
鐘辛 劉從勇 韓晶磊 寧海輝 沙娟 齊靜 于娟 /275