定 價:48 元
- 作者:Ian,MacKenzie 著
- 出版時間:2021/4/1
- ISBN:9787100195591
- 出 版 社:商務(wù)印書館
- 中圖法分類:F7
- 頁碼:125
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
English for Business Studies is a course for upper-intermediate and advanced level students who need to understand and talk about the key concepts in business and economics
The Third Edition of this best-selling business English course has been thoroughly revised to meet the needs of today's students. Covering the most important areas of management, production, marketing, finance and macroeconomics, it helps students to understand and talk about a wide range of business topics.
Reflecting recent changes in the world's business and economic environment, the course now covers subjects like wikinomics, viral marketing, hedge funds, the subprime crisis and energy policy.
適讀人群 :商務(wù)英語教師 BEC高級應試者 “新版劍橋商務(wù)英語系列”是劍橋大學出版社開發(fā)的一套商務(wù)英語教材,也是劍橋大學英語考評部推薦的BEC考試用書。該系列分為初、中、高三個級別,包括《新版劍橋商務(wù)英語(初級):學生用書》《新版劍橋商務(wù)英語(初級):教師用書》《新版劍橋商務(wù)英語(初級):練習冊》;《新版劍橋商務(wù)英語(中級):學生用書》《新版劍橋商務(wù)英語(中級):教師用書》《新版劍橋商務(wù)英語(中級):練習冊》;《新版劍橋商務(wù)英語(高級):學生用書》和《新版劍橋商務(wù)英語(高級):教師用書》。其內(nèi)容貼近商務(wù)環(huán)境,實踐性強。其中的《學生用書》邀請了國內(nèi)知名的商務(wù)英語教學專家添加了中文注釋,解釋了文中的重點和難點,旨在幫助學生更好地理解和學習商務(wù)英語。
Map of the book List of role cards in the Student’s Book
1 Management
2 Work and motivation
3 Company structure
4 Managing across cultures
5 Recruitment
6 Women in business
7 The different sectors of the economy 8Production
9 Logistics
10 Quality
11 Products
12 Marketing
13 Advertising
14 Banking
15 Venture capital
16 Bonds
17 Stocks and shares
18 Derivatives
19 Accounting and financial statements
20 Market structure and competition
21 Takeovers
22 Government and taxation
23 The business cycle
24 Corporate social responsibility
25 Efficiency and employment
26 Exchange rates
27 International trade
28 Economics and ecology
Thanks and acknowledgements