定 價:169 元
- 作者:Terence,Tao 著
- 出版時間:2021/2/1
- ISBN:9787040556292
- 出 版 社:高等教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:O152
- 頁碼:338
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
高等教育出版社本著植根教育、弘揚學術(shù)的宗旨服務(wù)我國廣大科技和教育工作者,同美國數(shù)學會(American Mathematical Society)合作,在征求海內(nèi)外眾多專家學者意見的基礎(chǔ)上,精選該學會近年出版的數(shù)十種專業(yè)著作,組織出版了“美國數(shù)學會經(jīng)典影印系列”叢書。美國數(shù)學會創(chuàng)建于1888年,是國際上極具影響力的專業(yè)學術(shù)組織,目前擁有近30000會員和580余個機構(gòu)成員,出版圖書3500多種,馮?諾依曼、萊夫謝茨、陶哲軒等世界級數(shù)學大家都是其作者。本影印系列涵蓋了代數(shù)、幾何、分析、方程、拓撲、概率、動力系統(tǒng)等所有主要數(shù)學分支以及新近發(fā)展的數(shù)學主題。
Part 1. Hilbert's Fifth Problem
Chapter 1. Introduction
§1.1. Hilbert's fifth problem
§1.2. Approximate groups
§1.3. Gromov's theorem
Chapter 2. Lie groups, Lie algebras, and the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula
§2.1. Local groups
§2.2. Some differential geometry
§2.3. The Lie algebra of a Lie group
§2.4. The exponential map
§2.5. The Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula
Chapter 3. Building Lie structure from representations and metrics
§3.1. The theorems of Cartan and von Neumann
§3.2. Locally compact vector spaces
§3.3. From Gleason metrics to Lie groups
Chapter 4. Haar measure, the Peter-Weyl theorem. and compact or abelian groups
§4.1. Haar measure
§4.2. The Peter-Weyl theorem
§4.3. The structure of locally compact abelian groups
Chapter 5. Building metrics on groups, and the Gleason-Yamabe theorem
§5.1. Warmup: the Birkhoff-Kakutani theorem
§5.2. Obtaining the commutator estimate via convolution
§5.3. Building metrics on NSS groups
§5.4. NSS from subgroup trapping
§5.5. The subgroup trapping property
§5.6. The local group case
Chapter 6.The structure of locally compact groups
§6.1. Van Dantzig's theorem
§6.2. The invariance of domain theorem
§6.3. Hilbert's fifth problem
§6.4. Transitive actions
Chapter 7. Ultraproducts as a bridge between hard analysis and soft analysis
§7.1. Ultrafilters
§7.2. Ultrapowers and ultralimits
§7.3. Nonstandard finite sets and nonstandard finite sums
§7.4. Asymptotic notation
§7.5. Ultra approximate groups
Part 2. Related Articles