1.Formulas for Relieving the Exterior Syndromes
2.Purgative Formulas
3.Formulas for Harmonization and Resolution
4.Formulas for Clearing Heat
5.Formulas for Dispelling Summer-Heat
6.Formulas for Warming the Interior
7.Supplementing Formulas
8.Sedative Formulas
9.Formulas for Opening Orifices
10. Formulas for Stabilizing and Binding
11. Formulas for Rectifying Qi
12. Formulas for Quickening the Blood and Dispelling Stasis
13. Formulas for Stanching Bleeding
14. Formulas for Treating Wind Syndromes
15. Formulas for Dispelling Dampness
16. Formulas for Dispelling Phlegm
17. Formulas for Dispersing Food and Stagnation
18. Formulas for Expelling Worms
19. The Present Situation and Prospects of Research on the Combination of Formulas in Chinese Medicine
Using Debating Based on Fact to Direct the Study and Research on Medicinal Formulas
Opinions on Contentious Formulas in Formula Combinations
Postscript for Second Version