定 價:49.8 元
- 作者:胡琳,程蓉主編
- 出版時間:2019/8/1
- ISBN:9787111620464
- 出 版 社:機械工業(yè)出版社
- 中圖法分類:TB23
- 頁碼:332頁:圖;29cm
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:3
- 開本:16K
Foreword to the Third Edition 第3版前言
Foreword to the Second Edition第2版前言
Foreword to the First Edition第1版前言
Chapter 1Basic Knowledge of Drawings第1章制圖基本知識4
11Drawing Tools and Their Utilization繪圖工具及其用法4
12Related Provisions in National Standards國家標準有關(guān)規(guī)定7
13Geometric Construction幾何作圖17
Chapter 2Basic Knowledge of Orthogonal Projection第2章正投影基礎(chǔ)知識23
21Principles of Orthogonal Projection Method正投影法原理23
22Projections of Points on a Solid立體上點的投影27
23Projections of Lines on a Solid立體上直線的投影29
24Projections of Planes on a Solid立體上平面的投影31
Chapter 3Solids and Their Intersections第3章立體及其交線34
31Projections of Polyhedral Solids平面立體的投影34
32Projections of Curved Solids曲面立體的投影38
33Intersection of Planes and Solids平面與立體相交41
34Intersection of Two Solids兩立體相交49
Chapter 4Composite Solids第4章組合體58
41Analysis for Composite Solids組合體的形體分析58
42Drawing Views of Composite Solids組合體三視圖繪制60
43Reading Views of Composite Solids組合體三視圖的讀圖63
44Dimensioning Composite Solids組合體的尺寸標注70
Chapter 5Axonometric Projections第5章軸測圖76
51Basic Knowledge of Axonometric Projections軸測圖基本知識76
52Isometric Projections正等軸測圖77
53Cabinet Axonometry Projections斜二軸測圖83
Chapter 6General Principles of Representation第6章圖樣畫法85
62Sectional Views剖視圖90
64Drawings of Partial Enlargement局部放大圖107
65Simplified and Specified Representation簡化畫法與規(guī)定畫法108
Chapter 7Expression for Commonly Used Machinery Components第7章常用機件的表達113
71Screw Threads螺紋 113
72Screw Fasteners螺紋緊固件 122
Chapter 8Detail Drawings第8章零件圖151
81Contents of Detail Drawings零件圖的內(nèi)容151
82Choosing Views of Detail Drawings零件圖的視圖選擇152
83Representation Methods of Typical Parts典型零件的表達方法152
84Manufacturing Processes of Parts零件的結(jié)構(gòu)工藝性158
85Dimensioning of Detail Drawings零件圖的尺寸標注162
86Technical Requirements in Detail Drawings 零件圖的技術(shù)要求165
87Interpreting Detail Drawings讀零件圖186
88Mapping Parts零件的測繪197
Chapter 9Assembly Drawings第9章裝配圖204
91Summary of Assembly Drawings裝配圖概述204
92Representation Methods of Assembly Drawings裝配圖的表達方法209
93Choosing Views of Assembly Drawings裝配圖的視圖選擇212
94Dimensioning and Specifications for Assembly Drawings裝配圖的標注214
95Rationality of Fitting Structures裝配結(jié)構(gòu)的合理性217
96Mapping Units and Representation of Assembly Drawings部件測繪及其裝配圖的畫法220
97Interpreting Assembly Drawings and Extracting Detail Drawings讀裝配圖和拆畫零件圖229
Chapter 10Other Drawings第10章其他工程圖238
102Welding Drawings焊接圖245
103Chemical Drawings化工制圖253
104Electric Diagrams電氣制圖273
Appendix 1Screw Threads附錄1螺紋286
Appendix 2Commonly Used Standard Parts附錄2常用標準件289
Appendix 3Commonly Used Elements of Parts附錄3常用的零件結(jié)構(gòu)要素305
Appendix 4Surface Texture Parameter附錄4表面結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)309
Appendix 5Limits and Fits附錄5極限與配合309
Appendix 6Commonly Used Materials附錄6常用材料318
Appendix 7Definitions for General Heat Treatment and Surface Treatment
Appendix 8Commonly Used Terminologies and Abbreviations in Engineering Drawing