Part I. Building Scrapers
1. Your First Web Scraper
An Introduction to BeautifulSoup
Installing BeautifulSoup
Running BeautifulSoup
Connecting Reliably and Handling Exceptions
2. Advanced HTML Parsing
You Don't Always Need a Hammer
Another Serving of BeautifulSoup
findo and findallo with BeautifulSoup
Other BeautifulSoup Objects
Navigating Trees
Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions and BeautifulSoup
Accessing Attributes
Lambda Expressions
3. Writing Web Crawlers
Traversing a Single Domain
Crawling an Entire Site
Collecting Data Across an Entire Site
Crawling Across the Internet
4. Web Crawling Models
Planning and Defining Objects
Dealing with Different Website Layouts
Structuring Crawlers
Crawling Sites Through Search
Crawling Sites Through Links
Crawling Multiple Page Types
Thinking About Web Crawler Models
5. Scrapy
Installing Scrapy
Initializing a New Spider
Writing a Simple Scraper
Spidering with Rules
Creating Items
Outputting Items
The Item Pipeline
Logging with Scrapy
More Resources
6. St0ring Data
Media Files
Storing Data to CSV
Installing MySQL
Some Basic Commands
Integrating with Python
Database Techniques and Good Practice
"Six Degrees" in MySQL