A Over the last hundred or soyears.1 human beingshave developed at an amazing rate.Who would havebelieved a hundred years ago that today we .couldreceive messages from across the world in seconds?However, we, might also ask if the people of a hundredyears ago would, have considered receiving messages asquickly as possible the most important need for society.(Introductory topic sentence) __ B 2 Nobody denies that the computeris one ofthe mostimportant pieces of technology today.It is importantto note, however, that much of the development toimprove computers is either in.response to people'sneed to conlmunicate on the Internet or.to play games.3Why is this the case?The first thing to remember whentrying to answer this question is that technology isdeveloped and produced by private businesses and themain motivation-of-any private industry is most certainlythe making Of money.4There is no doubt, therefore; thatthese companies do not ask themselves whether theirnew device or machine will benefit society.5 Rather theyselfishly ask themselves whether the product will sell.C Readers may see this as a positive development asit means that the consumer is the decision maker.Unfortunately, consumers .are far more interested in6 how to make their own little lives easier and lesstedious than in developments that benefit the worldiFor example, 7 it is unquestionably true that an averageteenager would prefer to read about the latest newcomputer game than the development of a fantasticlittle machine that removes bacteria from food.Onesupplies hours of fun for tired little minds, the othermay save millions of people.D It-is-also unfortunately the truth that such products asan, anti-bacteria device are usually developed either-bystate-supported institutions or-small organisations withlittle money.So, while these great projects struggle tofind money, the big orgamsations can decide whether todesign a game or a new entertainment system for theirluxury fast cars.