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細(xì)分曲面造型技術(shù) ![]()
Subdivision surface is a popular modeling technique in the field of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer graphics (CG) for its strong modeling capabilities for meshes of any topology. This book makes a comprehensive introduction to sub-division modeling technologies, the focus of which lies in not only fundamental theories but also practical applications. In theory aspect, this book seeks to make readers understand the contacts between spline surfaces and subdivision surfaces and makes the readers master the analysis techniques of subdivision surfaces. In application aspect, it introduces some typical modeling techniques, such as inter-polation, fitting, fairing, intersection, trimming and interactive edit. By studying this book, readers can grasp the main technologies of subdivision surface modeling and use them in software development. This knowledge also benefits understanding of CAD/CG software operations.
Due to flexible topology adaptivity and strong modeling capability, subdivision surface modeling technology has developed quickly in the field of CAD, CG, and geometric modeling since its appearance during the 1970s. Many famous 3D modeling software, such as 3DMax, Maya, and Meshlab, has involved subdivision surface as a modeling tool. Subdivision modeling technology has been successfully applied in making characters of games and special effects of movies. As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.” On the one hand, the book has done a detailed exposition to the basic theory of subdivision surfaces and strives to make readers to achieve the mastery. On the other hand, although the contents of the book are limited, we make a remarks about the main topic at the end of each chapter and list the closely related references for readers to self-improve. We believe that by learning through this book, readers will have a capability of researching and developing with subdivision surfaces independently.
The book was planned by Prof. Wenhe Liao, and most materials came from doctorial dissertations supervised by him. Associate Professor Hao Liu complied this book and wrote Chaps. 1-6 and Sects. 10.1 and 10.2. Dr. Tao Li arranged the rest of the book. He wrote Chap. 8, and Sects. 7.3, 10.3 and revised Sects. 7.1, 7.2
and Chaps. 9, 11. Chapter 9 was taken from Gang He‘s doctorial dissertation, and Dr. He revised the English manuscript of this chapter. Sections 7.1 and 7.2 and Chap. 11 came from Xiangyu Zhang’s doctorial dissertation, and Dr. Zhang revised the corresponding English manuscript. Graduate Wei Fan made a lot of work for the final proof. The authors thank Dr. He, Dr. Zhang and Graduate Wei Fan for their contributions to this book.
This book is suitable for graduate students, teachers, and technical personals majoring in CAGD, CAD/CG, and other related fields as a reference book on surface modeling. Due to the limitation of our knowledge, there are inevitably somedrawbacks in this book. If any flaw found, please do not hesitate to contact with us(liuhao-01 @nuaa.edu.cn).
Wenhe Liao is Professor in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, also the Vice President of Nanjing University of Science and Technology. He is the director of the Research Centre for Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology, Member of Geometric Design & Computing Committee, China Society for In-dustrial and Applied Mathematics. His research fields include air three-dimensional (3D) digi-tal design, virtual assembly, and digital medical equipment technology and micro-satellite design. He has published 2 books and dozens of papers on CAD/CAM.
Hao Liu is Associate Professor in Nanjing Uni-versity of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He is Member of Geometric Design & Computing Committee, China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. His research fields include surface modeling, CAD/CAM, 3D printing and CT image processing. He has published a text-book and more than ten papers on geometry modeling and CT image processing.
Tao Li is Lecturer in Suzhou University of Sci-ence and Technology. His research fields include surface modeling, reverse engineering and digi-tal geometry processing. He has published more than ten papers on geometry modeling and pro-cessing.
1 Introduction
1.1 Surface Modeling
1.2 Concept of Subdivision Surfaces
1.3 Development of Subdivision Surfaces
1.4 Idea of This Book
2 Splines and Subdivision
2.1 B-Splines
2.2 B-Spline Curves and Surfaces
2.2.1 B-Spline Curves and Their Properties
2.2.2 B-Spline Surfaces and Their Properties
2.3 Knot Insertion Algorithm and Refinement of B-Spline Curves and Surfaces
2.3.1 Subdivision of B-Spline Curves
2.3.2 Subdivision of B-Spline Surface
2.4 Uniform Subdivision of B-Spline Curves and Surfaces
2.4.1 Subdivision of Uniform B-Spline Curves
2.4.2 Subdivision of Uniform B-Spline Surfaces
2.5 Box Spline
2.5.1 Vector Group and Support Mesh
2.5.2 Inductive Definition of Box Splines
2.5.3 Basic Properties of Box Splines
2.6 Box Spline Surfaces
2.6.1 Definition and Properties
2.6.2 Subdivision of Box Spline Surfaces
2.6.3 Generating Function of Box Spline
2.7 Subdivision Mask of Box Spline Surface
3 Meshes and Subdivision
3.1 Topological Structure of Meshes for Subdivision
3.2 Regular Mesh
3.3 Subdivision Scheme
3.4 Quadrilateral Subdivision
3.4.1 Doo-Sabin Subdivision
3.4.2 Catmull-Clark Subdivision
3.4.3 Non-uniform Subdivision
3.5 Triangular Subdivision
3.5.1 Loop Subdivision
3.5.2 Butterfly Subdivision
3.5.3 □ Subdivision
3.6 Hexagonal Subdivision
3.6.1 Convexity-Preserving Subdivision Scheme
3.6.2 Honeycomb Subdivision Scheme
3.7 4-8 Subdivision
3.7.1 4-8 Meshes
3.7.2 Subdivision Rules
3.8 Classification of Subdivision Schemes
4 Analysis of Subdivision Surface
4.1 Subdivision Matrix
4.2 Discrete Fourier Transform
4.2.1 Fundament of DFT
4.2.2 Discrete Fourier Transform
4.2.3 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors from DFT
4.3 Eigenvalues Analysis
4.3.1 Calculation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
4.3.2 Property of the Limit Surface
4.3.3 Another Example for Eigenvalues Analysis
4.4 Characteristic Mapping
4.4.1 Annular Surface and Its Gradualness
4.4.2 Definition of Characteristic Mapping
4.4.3 Characteristic Mapping and Continuity of Subdivision Surfaces
4.5 Parameter Evaluation
4.5.1 Notations and Assumpsits
4.5.2 Mathematical Setting
4.5.3 Eigenstructure of Subdivision Matrix
4.5.4 Eigenbases and Evaluation for Non-regular Patches
4.5.5 Subdivision Matrix and Their Eigenstructures
4.5.6 Eigenbasis Functions
4.5.7 Parameter Evaluation and Characteristic Mapping
5 n-Sided Patches and Subdivision Surfaces
5.1 Methods for Constructing n-Sided Patches
5.2 C-C Subdivision Surfaces and G2 Continuity
5.3 n-Sided Patches and Catmull-Clark Subdivision
5.3.1 Contribution of Our Method
5.3.2 General Steps to Construct n-Sided Patches with Manifold Method
5.3.3 Construction of Control Meshes of Manifold Patches
5.3.4 Parameter Region, Normalization Mapping, and Basic Function
5.3.5 Related Vertex and Normalized Basic Functions
5.3.6 Properties of the Patch S
5.3.7 Extracting Submeshes from C-C Subdivision Meshes
5.3.8 Examples
5.4 Subdivision Modeling, n-Sided Patches and B-Spline Boundaries
5.5 Construct n-Sided Patches by Using Non-uniform C-C Subdivision Scheme and Skirt-Removed Approach
5.5.1 Skirt-Removed Approach
5.5.2 Construct n-Sided Patches by Using Non-uniform C-C Subdivision Scheme and Skirt-Removed Approach
5.6 Non-uniform C-C Subdivision Surface Interpolating Corner Vertices of Control Meshes
5.7 Some Examples to Construct Patches by Using the Non-uniform C-C Subdivision Scheme
6 Energy Optimization Method and Subdivision Surfaces
6.1 Blending Uniform Bi-Cubic B-Spline Surfaces
6.1.1 Subdivision Surface Blending of B-Spline Patches
6.1.2 Optimization Model Based on Physical Energy
6.1.3 Compute Control Vertices of Subdivision Patches
6.1.4 Preliminary Discussion on Selecting New Vertices by Energy Optimization Method
6.1.5 Select New Vertices by Energy Optimization Method
6.1.6 Determine Some New Vertices
6.1.7 Simplify Optimization Model
6.1.8 Examples
6.2 Interpolations Using Subdivision Surfaces
6.2.1 Subdivision Surface and Interpolation
6.2.2 Direct Interpolation Method
6.2.3 Interpolation Method with Fairness
6.2.4 SOR Iteration Method to Solve Linear Systems
6.2.5 Compute Boundary Vertices
6.2.6 Evaluating Energy Norms for Meshes
6.2.7 Examples
7 Interactive Shape Editing for Subdivision Surfaces
7.1 Adjustment of Subdivision Meshes Under Simple Geometrical Constraints
7.1.1 Deformation under Simple Geometrical Constrains
7.1.2 Mapping the Relationship of Constraint Points Between Successive Subdivision Levels
7.1.3 The Deformation Algorithm
7.2 Editing of Subdivision Level Meshes Using Potential Functions
7.2.1 Mesh-Constrained Deformations Under Potential Functions
7.2.2 Updating of the Potential Function
7.3 Modification of the Limit Surface Shape Under Geometrical Constraints
7.3.1 Definition of Local Geometrical Information for Subdivision Surfaces
7.3.2 Subdivision Surface Shape Modification Based on the Least-Squares Method
7.3.3 Subdivision Surface Shape Modification with an Energy Optimization Method
7.3.4 Examples and Analysis
8 Intersection and Trimming of Subdivision Surfaces
8.1 Related Work
8.2 Initial Discrete Intersection of Subdivision Surfaces
8.2.1 Basic Idea of Discrete Intersection
8.2.2 Intersection Test Between Quad Meshes
8.2.3 Subdivision of the Intersected Mesh Belt
8.2.4 Error Control for Approximate Intersection
8.2.5 Construction of Intersection Lines
8.3 Calculating High Precision Solutions with an Iterative Method
8.4 Trimming Algorithm for Subdivision Surfaces
8.4.1 Determination of a Valid Parameter Domain for Trimmed Subdivision Surfaces
8.4.2 Display of Trimmed Subdivision Surfaces
8.5 Examples
9 Subdivision Surfaces and Curve Networks
9.1 Construction of a Curve Network
9.1.1 Basic Concepts
9.1.2 Construction of a Curve Network
9.2 A Combined Subdivision Scheme and Its Improvement
9.2.1 Basic Principles
9.2.2 Control Meshes of Combined Subdivision Surfaces
9.2.3 Basic Operators
9.2.4 Non-uniform Combined Subdivision Schemes
9.3 The Construction of a Curve Network Interpolation Surface
9.3.1 Steps for Constructing an Interpolated Surface
9.3.2 Extension of the Combined Subdivision
9.3.3 Generation of the Initial Mesh
9.4 Shape Modification Based on Curve Network Editing
9.4.1 Overlapping Subdivision Method for a Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface
9.4.2 Overlapping Subdivision Method for Combined Subdivision Surfaces
9.4.3 Local Updating of the Combined Subdivision Surface
9.5 Shape Fairing of a Combined Subdivision Surface Based On Discrete PDE
9.5.1 Basic Principle
9.5.2 A Discrete PDE Fairing Method
9.5.3 Basic Steps
9.5.4 Example
10 Fitting Unstructured Triangle Meshes Using Subdivision Surfaces
10.1 A Simplified Shrink-Wrapping Approach for Remeshing
10.1.1 Introduction to the Shrink-Wrapping Approach
10.1.2 Construction of Base Meshes
10.1.3 Converting a Triangle Mesh to a Quadrilateral Mesh
10.1.4 Adjusting the Positions of the Vertices of Subdivided Meshes
10.1.5 Choosing Subdivision Schemes
10.1.6 Error Estimation
10.2 Surface Fitting by SLP (Subdivision Limit Position)
10.2.1 The Error Function and Its Minimization
10.2.2 The Base Mesh and Subdivision
10.3 Subdivision Surface Fitting with a Squared Distance Minimization Method
10.3.1 Construction of the Initial Control Mesh
10.3.2 Parameterization of Mesh Vertices
10.3.3 Subdivision Surface Fitting Using a Squared Distance Method
11 Poisson Mesh Editing Guided by Subdivision Surface
11.1 Traditional Mesh Editing Method
11.2 Poisson Mesh Editing
11.3 Poisson Mesh Editing Based on Subdivision Surfaces
11.3.1 Construction of the Model Bounding Mesh
11.3.2 Relationship Between the Mesh Model and Subdivision Surfaces
11.3.3 Boundary Conditions of Poisson Equations and Mesh Local Transformation
11.3.4 Realization of Poisson Reconstruction Deformation
11.3.5 Multiresolution Deformation
11.3.6 Deformation Instance Analysis
11.4 Mesh Deformation Based on Surface Control
11.4.1 Determination of the Deformation Region
11.4.2 Refinement of the Deformation Region
11.4.3 Design of Subdivision Control Surfaces
11.4.4 The Construction of Relationship Between The Deformation Mesh and the Subdivision Control Surface
11.4.5 Design of the Control Curve
11.4.6 Local Transformation of the Triangle in The Deformation Region
11.4.7 Realization of the Poisson Reconstruction Deformation
11.4.8 Deformation Instances