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東方智慧叢書 論語選譯(漢英對(duì)照) ![]()
文化交流對(duì)人類社會(huì)的存在與發(fā)展至關(guān)重要。季羨林先生曾指出,文化交流是推動(dòng)人類社會(huì)前進(jìn)的主要?jiǎng)恿χ,文化一旦產(chǎn)生,就必然交流,這種交流是任何力量也阻擋不住的。由于文化交流,世界各民族的文化才能互相補(bǔ)充,共同發(fā)展,才能形成今天世界上萬紫千紅的文化繁榮現(xiàn)象。 中國與東盟國家的文化交流亦然,并且具有得天獨(dú)厚的優(yōu)勢(shì)。首先,中國與東盟許多國家地理相接,山水相連,不少民族之間普遍存在著跨居、通婚現(xiàn)象,這為文化交流奠定了良好的地理與人文基礎(chǔ)。其次,古代中國與世界其他國家建立起的“海上絲綢之路”為中國與東盟國家的經(jīng)濟(jì)、文化交流創(chuàng)造了有利的交通條件。 中國與東盟諸多使用不同語言文字的民族進(jìn)行思想與文化對(duì)話,自然離不開翻譯。翻譯活動(dòng)一般又分為口譯和筆譯兩類。有史記載的中國與東盟之間的口譯活動(dòng)可以追溯至西周時(shí)期,但嚴(yán)格意義上的筆譯活動(dòng)則出現(xiàn)在明代,至今已逾五百年的歷史。 在過去五百年的歷史長河中,東盟國家大量地譯介了中國的文化作品,其中不少已經(jīng)融入到本國的文化中去。中國譯介東盟國家的作品也不在少數(shù)。以文字為載體的相互譯介活動(dòng),更利于文化的傳承與發(fā)展,把中國與東盟國家的文化交流推上了更高的層次。 2013年9月,國務(wù)院總理李克強(qiáng)在廣西南寧舉行的第十屆中國—東盟博覽會(huì)開幕式上發(fā)表主旨演講時(shí)指出,中國與東盟攜手開創(chuàng)了合作的“黃金十年”。他呼吁中國與東盟百尺竿頭更進(jìn)一步,創(chuàng)造新的“鉆石十年”。2013年10月,習(xí)近平總書記在周邊外交工作座談會(huì)上強(qiáng)調(diào)要對(duì)外介紹好我國的內(nèi)外方針政策,講好中國故事,傳播好中國聲音,把中國夢(mèng)同周邊各國人民過上美好生活的愿望、同地區(qū)發(fā)展前景對(duì)接起來,讓命運(yùn)共同體意識(shí)在周邊國家落地生根。于是,把中華文化的經(jīng)典譯介至東盟國家,不僅具有重要的歷史意義,同時(shí)還蘊(yùn)含著濃厚的時(shí)代氣息。 所謂交流,自然包括“迎來送往”,《禮記》有言:“往而不來,非禮也;來而不往,亦非禮也!敝袊c東盟國家一樣,既翻譯和引進(jìn)外國的優(yōu)秀文化,同時(shí)也把本國文化的精髓部分推介出去。作為中國最具人文思想的出版社之一——廣西師范大學(xué)出版社構(gòu)想了《東方智慧叢書》,并付諸實(shí)踐,不僅是中國翻譯學(xué)界、人文學(xué)界的大事,更是中國與東盟進(jìn)行良好溝通、增進(jìn)相互了解的必然選擇。廣西民族大學(xué)作為翻譯工作的主要承擔(dān)方,是國家外語非通用語本科人才培養(yǎng)基地,擁有東盟語言文字的翻譯優(yōu)勢(shì)。兩個(gè)單位的合作將能夠擦出更多的火花,向東盟國家更好地傳播中華文化。 聯(lián)合國教科文組織的官員認(rèn)為,“文化交流是新的全球化現(xiàn)象”。我們希望順應(yīng)這一歷史潮流與時(shí)代趨勢(shì),做一點(diǎn)力所能及的事。 是為序。 劉志強(qiáng)
沈 菲,廣西外事辦公室翻譯室副主任。 藍(lán)學(xué)會(huì)、鄭振銘,廣西藝術(shù)學(xué)院設(shè)計(jì)學(xué)院教師。 張葆全,廣西師范大學(xué)教授,廣西儒學(xué)學(xué)會(huì)名譽(yù)會(huì)長,廣西儒學(xué)學(xué)會(huì)孔子學(xué)院名譽(yù)院長。 湯文輝,廣西師范大學(xué)出版社副總編輯。 劉志強(qiáng),廣西民族大學(xué)東南亞語言文化學(xué)院院長,教授。
目 錄
1.學(xué)而時(shí)習(xí)之 2.君子務(wù)本 3.吾日三省吾身 4.入則孝,出則弟 5.賢賢易色 6.慎終追遠(yuǎn) 7.溫良恭儉讓 8.禮之用,和為貴 9.貧而樂,富而好禮 10.為政以德 11.道之以德,齊之以禮 12.三十而立,四十而不惑 13.溫故而知新 14.學(xué)而不思則罔,思而不學(xué)則殆 15.知之為知之,不知為不知,是知也 16.言寡尤,行寡悔,祿在其中矣 17.人而無信,不知其可也 18.損益可知 19.人而不仁,如禮何 20.禮,與其奢也,寧儉 21.君使臣以禮,臣事君以忠 22.君子無終食之間違仁 23.朝聞道,夕死可矣 24.義之與比 25.不患無位,患所以立 26.吾道一以貫之 27.君子喻于義,小人喻于利 28.見賢思齊 29.事父母幾諫 30.言之不出,恥躬之不逮也 31.以約失之者鮮矣 32.訥于言而敏于行 33.聞一以知十 34.朽木不可雕也 35.老者安之,朋友信之,少者懷之 36.簞食瓢飲不改其樂 37.文質(zhì)彬彬,然后君子 38.知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者 39.知者樂水,仁者樂山 40.己欲立而立人,己欲達(dá)而達(dá)人 41.學(xué)而不厭,誨人不倦 42.舉一反三 43.從吾所好 44.不義而富且貴,于我如浮云 45.三人行,必有我?guī)熝?br /> 46.我欲仁,斯仁至矣 47.士不可以不弘毅,任重而道遠(yuǎn) 48.興于《詩》 49.子絕四 50.叩其兩端 51.后生可畏 52.匹夫不可奪志 53.歲寒,然后知松柏之后凋也 54.知者不惑,仁者不憂,勇者不懼 55.廄焚問人 56.未知生,焉知死 57.克己復(fù)禮為仁 58.四海之內(nèi)皆兄弟 59.百姓不足,君孰與足 60.君君,臣臣,父父,子子 61.君子成人之美 62.子帥以正,孰敢不正 63.茍子之不欲,雖賞之不竊 64.仁者愛人 65.先有司,赦小過,舉賢才 66.名不正,則言不順 67.其身正,不令而行 68.富而后教 69.欲速則不達(dá) 70.和而不同 71.剛毅木訥,近仁 72.士而懷居,不足以為士矣 73.君子恥其言而過其行 74.知其不可而為之 75.修己以安百姓 76.君子固窮 77.殺身成仁 78.工欲善其事,必先利其器 79.人無遠(yuǎn)慮,必有近憂 80.躬自厚而薄責(zé)于人 81.不以言舉人,不以人廢言 82.己所不欲,勿施于人 83.小不忍則亂大謀 84.眾惡之,必察焉 85.人能弘道 86.過而不改,是謂過矣 87.當(dāng)仁,不讓于師 88.有教無類 89.不患寡而患不均,不患貧而患不安 90.君子有三戒 91.性相近也,習(xí)相遠(yuǎn)也 92.好仁不好學(xué),其蔽也愚 93.飽食終日,無所用心,難矣哉 94.往者不可諫,來者猶可追 95.士見危致命,見得思義 96.博學(xué)篤志,切問近思 97.學(xué)而優(yōu)則仕 98.君子之過也,如日月之食焉 99.因民之所利而利之 100.不知命,無以為君子也 Contents 1.To learn and review from time to time what is learned 2.The man of noble character devotes himself to the fundamentals 3.I examine myself several times a day 4. Fulfill their filial duties at home and obey their elder brothers when away from home 5.Value virtues more than lust upon a young woman 6. Carefully attend to the funeral rites of one’s parents and earnestly worship one’s ancestors 7.Gentleness, kindness, courtesy, restraint and magnanimity 8.In the practice of rites, harmony is to be prized 9. The person is poor, but finds delight in pursuing knowledge, or rich, but observing the rites 10.Rule a country on the basis of morality 11. The general public is directed by moral education and constrained by Rites 12. Establish myself at 30 and have no doubts about the world at 40 13.Derive new reflections from reviewing what one’s learnt 14. He who is steeped in learning but neglecting thinking feels perplexed while he who is absorbed in thinking but neglecting learning puts himself in danger 15.Say yes when you know and no when you don’t, it’s the wisdom 16. With fewer mistakes in your words and fewer regrets in your deeds, you can obtain a government position and receive an official’s salary 17. An untrustworthy person cannot establish himself in the world 18.what is subtracted and added is knowable 19.How can a person with no humaneness observe rites 20.Being economical is better than extravagant at ritual ceremonies 21. The ruler should use his ministers in accordance with rites and his ministers should serve his ruler with loyalty 22. The man of noble character will never deviate from humaneness for even the time of a simple meal 23. If I know the Way in the morning, I can die without regrets at night 24. The man of noble character takes action in accordance with righteousness 25. One should worry not about obtaining no official positions, but about not qualified for that position 26.There is one main thread throughout my teaching 27. The man of noble character understands righteousness while the mean man knows only profits 28.When you see the man with virtues, try to emulate him 29. When waiting on parents, children should euphemistically persuade their parents into correcting their mistakes 30.Being slow to speak for fear of not suiting their deeds to their words 31.Self-disciplined people scarcely make any mistakes 32.Being slow to speak, but quick to act 33.Infer ten things from one he has learnt 34.Rotten wood cannot be carved 35. The elder are taken good care of and live in comfort, friends trust each other and the young have good examples to follow 36. Remain cheerful with only a small bamboo basket of rice to eat and a gourdful of water to drink 37. With perfect mix of simplicity and refinement, one can be called the man of noble character 38.Liking it is better than understanding it while enjoying it is the best 39.The wise love water while the humane love mountains 40. If you want to be established, help others be established. If you want to achieve success, help others achieve their success 41.Learn and never feel content. Teach tirelessly 42.Draw inferences about other cases from one instance 43.Follow my own inclinations 44.Wealth and rank achieved by improper means are like floating clouds 45.There is always someone for me to learn from 46.If I want to achieve it, the humaneness will be at hand 47. A scholar should be unyielding for he shoulders a heavy responsibility and has a long way to go 48.The Book of Songs inspires us 49.The master is free of the four defects 50.Inquire about both pros and cons of the question 51.The young deserve to be treated with awe 52.A man will not be deprived of his aspirations 53. It’s not until the weather turns extremely cold can we see the leaves of pines and cypresses are the last to wither and fall 54. The wise have no puzzlement, the humane have no worries and the brave have no fears 55.Ask about casualty after the stable caught a fire 56.We have not yet known life, how can we know death? 57.Discipline yourself and act in accordance with rites. It’s humaneness 58.All men under heaven are his brothers 59. If the common people are wanting in money, how can the sovereign have enough to spend? 60. The ruler should behave like a ruler, the minister like a minister, the father like a father, and the son like a son 61.The man of noble character helps others achieve their virtuous purposes 62.If you are an upright ruler, who else will not be upright? 63. If you are not greedy for money, you will not see burglars even though rewarding people for being burglars 64.The humane love others 65. Set a good example and forgive the small mistakes of others and promote people with talents and virtues 66.If the name is not correct, the words won’t be justified 67. If the ruler acts properly, the common people will obey him without being ordered to 68.Educate people after they become rich 69.Speed hinders you from achieving goals 70.Seek harmony rather than uniformity 71. Fortitude, perseverance, artlessness and discreet are close to humaneness 72. He who is reluctant to give up his comfort family life is unworthy of a scholar 73. The man of noble character is ashamed of too much talk but not enough action 74.Knowing it’s of no use, but keeping on doing it 75. Cultivate yourself and make the common people live in happiness and peace 76. When in destitution, the man of noble character will preserve his moral integrity 77.Sacrifice his life for humaneness… 78.A craftsman must sharpen his tools first if he is to do his work well 79.He who lacks long-term plans will have worries at hand 80.Reproach others less and question yourself more 81. Do not recommend a person because of his words. Do not ignore a person’s good suggestions because of his deeds 82.Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire 83.Lack of patience in small matters leads to the disruption of great plans 84.If one is hated by all, find out reasons 85.It’s men who carry forward the Way 86.A mistake is a real mistake if not corrected 87. Students don’t have to be inferior to their teachers concerning humaneness 88.Teach all with no discrimination 89. The trouble lies not in a small population but in uneven distribution of wealth, not in poverty but in instability 90.The man of noble character should always guard against three things 91.By nature, men are much alike; but in practice, they are far apart 92.He who likes humaneness but dislikes learning will be fooled 93.How can he with a full stomach but empty head achieve something? 94.The past cannot be retrieved, yet the future can be remedied 95. Scholars sacrifice their lives in times of danger, keep righteousness in mind in front of profits 96. Learn extensively while sticking to one’s interests, ask questions earnestly and give more thoughts to the current issues 97. A scholar, after completing his learning, should devote himself to duties as an official 98. Mistakes made by the man of noble character are like eclipses of the sun and the moon 99.Direct people to get what are beneficial to them 100.He who doesn’t know his destiny will not be the man of noble character
【原文】 子曰:“學(xué)而時(shí)習(xí)之,不亦說乎?有朋自遠(yuǎn)方來,不亦樂乎?人不知而不慍,不亦君子乎?” 《論語•學(xué)而》1.1章 【釋文】 孔子說:“學(xué)了又按時(shí)溫習(xí)和練習(xí),不是很愉快嗎?有志同道合的人從遠(yuǎn)方來,不是很令人高興的嗎?人家不了解我,我也不怨恨、惱怒,不也是一個(gè)有德的君子嗎?” 【解析】 本章提出以學(xué)習(xí)為樂事,做到人不知而不慍,反映出孔子學(xué)而不厭、誨人不倦、注重修養(yǎng)、嚴(yán)格要求自己的主張。 1. To learn and review from time to time what is learned 【Source】 The Master said, “Is it not a pleasure to learn and review from time to time what is learned? Is it not a delight to have friends coming from afar? Is it not the man of noble character who bears no grudges when not being recognized? ” The Analects•Xue Er Chapter1.1 【Comments】 The chapter emphasizes taking learning as a great pleasure and not feeling angry when not being recognized. It reflects the view of Confucius on having insatiable desire to learn, teaching tirelessly and focusing on self-cultivation and self-discipline.