Chapter 1 Economics
1.Basics of Economics
1.1 Scarcity
1.2 Macroeconomics and Microeconomics
1.3 PPF
1.4 Opportunity Cost
2.Law of Supply and Demand
2.1 Equilibrium
2.2 Utility
3.Types of Market Structure
Chapter 2 Setting up a Business
1.Sole Proprietorship
1.1 Characteristics of Sole Proprietorship
1.2 Advantages of Sole Proprietorship
1.3 Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship
1.4 Starting a Sole Proprietorship
2.1 Categories of Partnership
2.2 Advantages of Partnership
2.3 Disadvantages of Partnership
2.4 Starting a Partnership
3.1 Characteristics of Corporation
3.2 Advantages of Corporation
3.3 Disadvantages of Corporation
3.4 Starting a Corporation
4.1 Characteristics of Franchising
4.2 Advantages of Franchising
4.3 Disadvantages of Franchising
4.4 Starting a Franchising
Chapter 3 Financing
1.Forms of Financing
1.1 Debt Financing
1.2 Equity Financing
2.Financial Market
2.1 Capital Market
2.2 Stock Market
2.3 Bond Market
2.4 Money Market
2.5 Cash or Spot Market
2.6 Derivatives Market
2.7 Interbank and Foreign Exchange Market
3.Financial Institutions
3.1 Commercial Bank
3.2 Investment Bank
3.3 Insurance Company
Chapter 4 Production
Chapter 5 Marketing
Chapter 6 Management
Chapter 7 Accounting
Chapter 8 International Trade
Chapter 9 International Business Negotiation
Chapter 10 Access to Global market
Chapter 11 International Business Law
Chapter 12 E-commerce
Keys to the Exercises