定 價:96 元
- 作者:Wang Changfeng著
- 出版時間:2017/6/1
- ISBN:9787030522184
- 出 版 社:科學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:F273.1
- 頁碼:221頁
- 紙張:膠紙版
- 版次:1
- 開本:32開
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Outlines 4
1.3 Methodologies 6
1.4 Research Contents 7
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Assessment 10
2.1 Business Innovation Theory 10
2.2 Theories and Models: Impacting Factors of Innovation Performance 16
2.3 An Overview of Existing Studies 41
Chapter 3 Research Models and Hypotheses Development 43
3.1 Research Models 43
3.2 Dependent Variable: Innovation Performance 48
3.3 Independent Variables: External Knowledge Properties 49
3.4 Mediating Variables: Business Network Characteristics 53
3.5 Moderating Variable: ACAP 56
3.6 Controlled Variables: Organizational Characteristics 62
Chapter 4 Methodologies 64
4.1 Basis of Method Selection 64
4.2 Method 1: Computer Simulation 65
4.3 Method 2: Empirical Study 81
Chapter 5 Computer Simulation: The Impact of Knowledge Properties and Network Characteristics on Innovation Performance 96
5.1 Simulation Parameter 96
5.2 Simulation Result Analysis 98
5.3 Simulation Result Analysis 114
Chapter 6 Empirical Study: The Impact of Knowledge Properties and Network Characteristics on Firm Performance 115
6.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis 115
6.2 Sample Validity and Reliability Tests 121
6.3 Pearson Correlation Analysis 129
6.4 Model Analysis and Assessment 129
6.5 Summary of Empirical Analysis 166
Chapter 7 Discussion 169
7.1 External Knowledge Properties and Innovation Performance 169
7.2 Business Network Characteristics and Innovation Performance 171
7.3 ACAP and Innovation Performance 174
7.4 Organizational Characteristics and Innovation Performance 176
7.5 Key Findings and Practical Implications For Managers 176
Chapter 8 Conclusion, Restrictions and Future Research Directions 180
8.1 Conclusion and Contributions 180
8.2 Restrictions and Future Research Directions 182
Bibliographies 184
Appendixes 202
Appendix 1: Questionnaire 202
Appendix 2: Simulation Source Code 206
編后記 222