定 價(jià):125 元
- 作者:
- 出版時(shí)間:2013/3/1
- ISBN:9787566306463
- 出 版 社:對(duì)外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:F130.4
- 頁(yè)碼:114
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開(kāi)本:16開(kāi)
《Boao Forum for Asia Development of Emerging Economies Annual Report 2013》由中國(guó)社會(huì)科學(xué)院世界經(jīng)濟(jì)與政治研究所所長(zhǎng)張宇燕教授主持編寫,并負(fù)責(zé)整個(gè)報(bào)告的框架設(shè)計(jì)。本報(bào)告分為七章:第1章E11經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展形勢(shì)進(jìn)行了回顧與展望,使讀者獲得較為全面和宏觀的了解;第2章和第3章分別介紹了Ell的社會(huì)與經(jīng)濟(jì)基本狀況;第4章分析和介紹了Ell的綜合表現(xiàn)與國(guó)際排名變化;第5章和第6章分別對(duì)Ell之間的經(jīng)濟(jì)合作以及E11與發(fā)達(dá)國(guó)家的經(jīng)濟(jì)合作進(jìn)展進(jìn)行了分析;第7章為國(guó)別報(bào)告,回顧與分析了Ell各國(guó)一年來(lái)的經(jīng)濟(jì)形勢(shì)與經(jīng)濟(jì)政策。在寫作的分工上,由張宇燕教授負(fù)責(zé)撰寫第1章,馮維江博士負(fù)責(zé)撰寫第2章和第7章,黃薇博士負(fù)責(zé)撰寫第3章和第4章,徐秀軍博士負(fù)責(zé)撰寫第5章和第6章。此外,王鵬協(xié)助審閱了部分書稿。全書最后由張宇燕教授和徐秀軍博士進(jìn)行統(tǒng)稿。
Notes and Acknowledgements
Chapter 1 Overview: Reviewing and Anticipating the Economic Situation of the Ell
1.1 Economic Growth with a Lower Speed in 2012
1.2 A Modest Economic Recovery in 2013
Chapter 2 Basic Social Conditions of the Ell
2.1 Natural Resources
2.2 PopulationResources
2.3 SociaICapital
2.4 Infrastructure
Chapter 3 Basic Economic Conditions of the Ell
3.1 Continuing Expansion ofthe Economic Scale, Uneven Level of Economic Development
3.2 Better Fiscal Balance Ability, Lower Public Debt Burden
3.3 Easing Inflationary Pressures, Differential Performance in the Real Exchange Rate
3.4 Relieved Pressure of Unemployment and Large Potential Room for Structural Adjustment
3.5 More Balanced Current Accounts and Slower InternationaITrade Growth
3.6 Low Interest Rates and Rebounded Stock Markets
Chapter 4 Economic Performances and International Rankings of the Ell
4.1 Slow but Strong Economic Recovery
4.2 Fast but Unstable Growth in Labor Productivity and TFP
4.3 Lower Speed in Export Expansion
4.4 Rising Global Share of FDI with Accelerated Outward FDI
4.5 Steady Growth in International Reserves
4.6 Changes in Major International Rankings of the El1
4.7 Changes in Corporate Strength ofthe Ell
Chapter 5 Economic Cooperation among the Ell Economies
5.1 LowerTrade Growth but CloserTrade Relations
5.2 Decreased Mutual FDI but Outstanding China Performance
5.3 Financial Cooperation among the Ell Economies
Chapter 6 Economic Cooperation between the E11 and Developed Economies
5.1 Trade Links between the Ell and Developed Economies
5.2 Direct Investment between the Ell and Developed Economies
Chapter 7 Country Report ofthe Ell Economies
7.1 Argentina
7.2 Brazil
7.3 China
7.4 India
7.5 Indonesia
7.6 Korea
7.7 Mexico
7.8 Russia
7.9 Saudi Arabia
7.10 South Africa
7.11 Turkey
Although the global economy is not faring well, he growth momentum of the emerging market economies remains strong. The investment ooperation between the Ell and developed conomies increases at a fast pace and there is great otential for their cooperation in many fields. Since
2012, the investment cooperation between the two locs has been pushed forward continually and ncreasing attention has been paid to the issue of ystematic and long-term investment cooperation. ultilateral investment cooperation, meanwhile, as had new development, with the investment ooperation among China, Korea and Japan being he most typical.
On May 13, 2012, leaders of China, Korea and apan formally signed the Trilateral Agreement or the Promotion, Facilitation and Protection of nvestment at the fifth Trilateral Summit Meeting. t is the first legal document and systematic rrangement for promoting and protecting nvestment behavior among the three economies. he agreement is made up of 27 articles and ne additional protocol, covering all important spects of an international investment agreement rom definition of investment, scope, and most- avored-nation treatment, national treatment o expropriation and compensation, transfers, ubrogation, taxation, general exceptions and nvestment dispute settlement. Details of the greement among the three parties include: acceleration of China-Japan-Korea free trade one construction; close coordination to ensure the free trade pact negotiations could formally tart in 2012; industrial and financial cooperation; establishment of pilot zone for China-Japan-Korea ocal economy cooperation; expansion of trade settlement among the three economies using their ational currencies; pushing forward East Asian fiscal and financial cooperation; strengthening ooperation in sustainable development, ncluding pushing forward the establishment of China-Japan-Korea cyclical economy pilot base, trengthening cooperation in urbanization, new nergy and disaster reduction and prevention; and expanding social and cultural exchanges, including trengthening exchange and cooperation in cultural ndustries, such as film-making and comic and nimation industry, implementing the CAMPUS sia Pilot Program, establishing an education ministers' meeting mechanism and simplifying visa rocedures.